Paradigm Shift Technologies Inc. announces the launch of its new division, Prognostica™. This new division specializes in Development, Engineering and Production of specialized health management and lifetime prediction systems based on the unique patented Chameleon Skin Gauge (CSG™) design. Prognostica™ is a revolutionary diagnosis tool intended for fatigue analysis, structural health monitoring and life time prediction of complex structures and components made from materials with multiple natures, including metals, resins, plastics and composites.
We are also pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. John Wright as the Business Development Manager of Prognostica™. John’s expertise capitalizes on over 30 years of experience in the multi-national, high-tech sector, transitioning from an initial engineering background through all facets of the business process. He served with globally recognized corporations inclusive of Litton (Northrop Grumman), Honeywell, British Aerospace, and Smiths Industries, in various managerial roles. Specific details about Prognostica™ are available at