Prognostica™, a division of Paradigm Shift Technologies Inc., announces its participation at the Farnborough International Airshow 2010. The Farnborough International Airshow (FIA) is one of the world’s most iconic global aviation events. FIA holds a prominent position within the aerospace calendar taking place on a biennial basis (once every two years) for one week in July.
The most recent FIA took place from July 19-25, 2010 and featured 152 aircrafts in static displays and spectacular flying displays. The public weekend attracted a more than 108,000 visitors. The Prognostica™ participation in the event was a part of the Ontario Pavilion sponsored by the Ontario Aerospace Association as well as the Government of Canada. The event was the first international public display of the new Chameleon Skin Gauge (CSG™) technology and has proven to be a spectacular success for Prognostica™ which received a very warm response from the International community.
During part of the show, Prognostica™ was presented in a “one-on-one” session with the Canadian Minister of Industry Tony Clement, and the Ontario Minister of Economic Development and Trade Sandra Pupatello, who both acknowledged the need for the “Condition Based Maintenance” of Aircraft components and other critical industrial assemblies.

In this photo Dr. Gennady Yumshtyk, CEO of Paradigm Shift Technologies, discusses the potential of Prognostica™ with Tony Clement and Sandra Pupatello.